2024 Spring Electives

Kingdom Finance

Teacher: Chris Marlin 
Location: Vineyard Cincinnati 
Day/Time: Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
Start Date: March 5th 
Class Duration: 3 weeks 
Pre-requisites: none

It’s a constant trigger of stress in the average American’s life. It’s the number one cause of marital fights and divorce. Everyone has it AND yet everyone still wants more of it. Not to mention, Jesus talked about it a lot. And yet we rarely do. Let’s change that. In this class, we will talk about how the Kingdom can invade our finances. We will develop a biblical heart posture towards money and dig into what Scripture says about generosity. Lastly, we will combine the best practical wisdom of the world with the supernatural reality of the Kingdom. Let’s finally be people that walk in confidence and freedom with our finances!

Seeing What the Father is Doing

Teacher: Nathaniel Sorensen
Location: Vineyard Northwest
Day/Time: Wednesdays at 6:30 pm 
Start Date: March 6th
Class Duration: 3 weeks
Pre-requisites: None 

The Son is not able to do anything on His own, but only what He sees the Father doing” (Jn 5:19). So it seems doing ministry is pretty straightforward: the Father leads > we get invited to jump in and participate > we jump in and participate > people’s lives get transformed. Simple, right? Looked easy when Jesus did it, but when we try to do the same we quickly run into an often troubling question: how do I see what the Father is doing? How can I recognize where the Holy Spirit is asking me to partner? In this class, we’ll focus on knowing better what to look for and being ready to recognize it when we see it!

Casting Out Demons

Teacher: Luke Haselmayer
Location: Vineyard Northwest
Day/Time: Tuesdays at 6:00 pm 
Start Date: March 5th
Class Duration: Three weeks
Pre-requisites: CSSM

There’s a problem. One of the primary expressions of Jesus’ kingdom ministry on the earth was the casting out of demons, but does the average follower of Jesus cast out demons on a regular basis? Do they even know how? It’s time to pick back up this ancient ministry and destroy the works of the devil by freeing the sons and daughters of God from the spirits that torment them. Those who take “Casting Out Demons” will learn what deliverance ministry is, and will be practically equipped to do this ministry on a regular basis.